
Welcome to Verarius blog, the little black smith shop of all things change management!
Posted by Verarius | 12.05.2023
Now that we have spent some time looking into the “whys” of resistance to change in the first three parts of the article, the time has come to address the practical question of what we can do about it and how you as a change leader can better navigate the process....
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Posted by Verarius | 27.04.2023
In the previous entries we have spent some time scrutinizing such fundamental aspects of human behaviour as preference for certainty and for autopilot. Let us now see resistance and change dance their mesmerizing tango and observe what type of dynamic appears when one is trying to push through in the context of an organisational change....
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Posted by Verarius | 13.04.2023
Welcome to the Part 2 of the short cycle of articles on Change and Resistance to Change. In this entry, “Automation Addiction – and How Agriculture Helped us Get There” we will talk about why we have such an intrinsic drive to automate things, what this drive has to do with the law of the least resistance and why breaking a habit is similar to a withdrawal. ...
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Posted by Verarius | 30.03.2023
In the following series of articles, we will investigate the fascinating relationship between change and resistance to change in all its facets. In this opening entry, "On Itchy Feet and Change Mindset - and how we Got there by Crossing a Desert", we will have a look at the message our ancestors left us in our DNAs hundreds of thousands of years ago and discover some striking similarities between the willingness to relocate and to implement a new IT system....
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Posted by Verarius | 30.03.2023
Welcome to the first entry of the Verarius blog! Where did the idea of this blog come from? What role does post-modern eclecticism play in understanding change processes? What is the purpose of the whole thing anyway? And most importantly – who are these breathtakingly gorgeous ladies on the pictures? Read on and you will find out answers to all these questions – and much more!...
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