
Welcome to Verarius blog, the little black smith shop of all things change management!
Posted by Verarius | 21.06.2024
Nothing beats a riddle on a Friday afternoon! So here is one for you: what does starting a postgraduate program have in common with an ascent after diving?...
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Posted by Verarius | 07.06.2024
A very dear friend of mine, Brenda Immink, has recently embarked on a postgraduate journey. She is juggling this alongside an already demanding full-time job as a head of marketing. With her calendar packed with various extra curriculum activities, the only way to fit study hours into her agenda has been a dead’s man shoes – some activities had to be taken off the schedule. Specifically, her sports time had to be sacrificed. To her surprise, this step has been accompanied by a lot of apprehension and unease. Today I decided to join her in exploring the dark side of habits and invite you along to see together what happens when we must stop doing something we have routinized....
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Posted by Verarius | 24.05.2024
Different genres exist for different purposes, and depending on the message you want to convey, your communication strategy might be as dry as desert dust at noon or as lush as the Selva after the rainy season. But what does that mean for your various undertakings, such as an initiative, a project, or a task? There is only one way to find out. ...
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Posted by Verarius | 10.05.2024
This week I had a great opportunity to visit the OMR Festival in Hamburg and my head is still buzzing from all the impulses. While the impressions are still fresh, I decided to bring them to paper as I thought the insights were quite illuminating and applicable in many areas....
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Posted by Verarius | 26.04.2024
Have you recently been taken off guard by “I have a small project for you”, only to realize after a couple of discussions that what you are discussing is not a project, but rather an initiative? This is a classic situation that often leads to cumbersome misunderstandings and inefficiencies. This is why drawing the line and distinguishing between a project, an initiative and a task, for that matter, is frequently needed – so let’s delve together into it....
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Posted by Verarius | 12.04.2024
A couple of days ago, this cozy blog reached its first anniversary. I'm delighted to share that I've remained faithful to my commitment of posting every two weeks, come rain or shine. Some articles have been better, some could have been better, but they have been coming sure as eggs is eggs. Making this happen meant building a new habit. While the memories are still fresh and the example is very much alive indeed, let’s see what heuristics have proved to be helpful....
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