Forging your organisational change

My name is Vera and I am coming from a background of 10+ years of leadership experience in operations and project management. The dynamic context of start-ups is as familiar to me as the corporate environment. My drive and hands-on mentality are complemented by a structured approach and a passion for the big picture.

PMO      /      Change      /      Organisational Development      /      Process      /      Interim


PMO / Project Management
PMO / Project Management
  • 10+ years with multinationals as a PMO
  • End-to-end: From concept creation to implementation
  • Bonus: Per aspera ad astra with a bright smile
Change Management
Change Management
  • First-hand knowledge of start-up and scale-up
  • Leadership experience in a post-merger
  • Bonus: More than just one silver lining
Organisational development
Organisational development
  • Creation of 6 departments
  • Consensus instead of consent via employee involvement
  • Bonus: Book and podcast recommendations for every topic
Process Management
Process Management
  • Formal training as a SIX SIGMA Black Belt
  • Experience in installing complex cross-departmental processes
  • Bonus: Multiple Aha! moments on the way
Interim Management
Interim Management
  • Ability to hit the ground running
  • Balance between firefighting and preparations for a smooth entry of the permanent candidate
  • Bonus: Swiss Army Knife functionality
5237 Cups of Coffee
26 Projects Completed
14 Years of Experience
21 Structures Created

Project Examples

Latest news

Richter’s Fairytale and the Power of the Due Date
Richter’s Fairytale and the Power of the Due Date

A brand-new play by Urban Theater, Richter’s Fairytale, has recently seen the projector light, and I feel compelled, even morally obliged, to tell you about it! Like the other play of the ensemble, The Red Folder, it boasts a few heuristics that will enrich the toolkit of an open-minded project manager. Moreover, the play transmits a couple of very powerful messages that I must pass on. Finally, several shows are scheduled for September and October, and there is hardly anything better than soft, dimming theater lights on a rainy autumn day… So without further ado: please enjoy Richter’s Fairytale and the Power of the Due Date....

Definition Game: Metrics and KPIs
Definition Game: Metrics and KPIs

In the context of an exciting project for an OEM manufacturer, we are creating a CRM system with an accompanying dashboard, which includes various metrics and KPIs. At some point, it became apparent that there was a lack of common understanding about the difference between metrics and KPIs. However, this understanding is crucial. Being able to differentiate between both is indispensable for the ability to create such a CRM and dashboard that would help the organization reach its strategic targets. Moreover, asking around, I realized the lack of clear distinction existed also outside of our team, as both concepts were largely treated as synonyms. Thus, I decided this would be a good couple of terms for the next “Definition Game.” So, without further ado: Metrics & KPIs....

Empty Your Pockets! Or, You've Got Post.
Empty Your Pockets! Or, You've Got Post.

Do you know this feeling? You come back home after a very intense day to discover a bill in your postbox which is already overdue. A brief sensation of frustration is quickly replaced by relief: this is just another Mr. Ripley-Wannabe sending his regards. Today’s entry is going to be highly practical, albeit a little different in nature – we shall talk about fraud. Taking a concrete recent example, we will also look at what kind of appeals are currently en vogue and how one is trying to bring you to action and skip thinking altogether....

Non-Profit Projects

It is astonishing how many incredible people and organizations work on various projects within small local communities and how much one can learn from these projects – and apply to a much broader picture. It is also astonishing to see how far little contributions can take such projects. As I like putting my money where my mouth is, in this section you will find a short description of different non-profit projects which Verarius was thrilled and privileged to support. 

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