The Clockwork Paradox, or The Hourglass Avalanche

Posted by Verarius

Do you also have a sneaking suspicion that not all the months of the year were created equal? Instead, they evolve and develop at a very different pace. This pattern seems to repeat itself year in and year out as if it were an old play. So, without further ado, let me introduce the characters of this what-could-be play “The Clockwork Paradox, or The Hourglass Avalanche”.

If it were a play, one thing is clear – you, our modern Lancelot, are the main Hero. But who else would be around? Who would be other characters and how would they help you or even try to stop you from accomplishing your Quest for the Holy Grail?

  • King: Your Main Priority. Their Majesty expects you to allocate your capacity and resources in absolute accordance with them – i.e., first comes the Holy Grail, then anything else. Your loyalty is measured by the extent to which you can stay congruent and serve your King while saying no to pretty much anything else.
  • Prime Minister: Your Calendar. Being a faithful servant to the King, the Prime Minister assures that the days, weeks and months of the year as structured in such a way that your focus is on the King, your eyes are on the ball, and you have a fair chance to complete the Quest. The Prime Minister blocks the time way ahead for you to do the deep work, allocates focus time and does not let in whoever is trying to interfere with your Quest. Most importantly: the Prime Minister assures that you start with the Quest right in January, and it doesn’t get pushed by other smaller quests or pleads that “certainly can be accomplish in no time”.
  • Magical Artifact: The Time itself. Maybe there is some trickery in place, maybe the Court Magician has been experimenting too much, but the unsaid truth is that the timeline in your Enchanted Kingdom looks thusly: 

  • Royal and Town Criers: Your Visibility. The Criers have their task to enforce your commitment in private and in public spaces. Thus, they catapult you way beyond the point of no return as deviating from the chosen course would have you risk losing your face. And losing your face is not an option for such a fine Knight as Yourself!
  • Chancellor: Your Accountability Partner. It is someone who is there for you, who provides you the Challenge and Support you need to stay on your Quest.
  • Legitimate Heirs: Your Secondary Goals and Priority. You attend to them as soon as they replace the King or by the Kings direct order.
  • Illegitimate Heirs: Other Unrelated Goals and Quests. They become your distractions and obstacles as they try to divert you from serving the King, they try to push you into a blind alley, they try to make you forget about the Holy Grail. In a nutshell – they are trying to rupture the bond between you and the King.
  • Jester: Your Gratification. To give you extra motivation throughout the Quest, the Jester keeps your spirit and moral high. But beware: they can also turn out to be disguised infiltrators on a secret mission of distracting you from your Quest.


As you can see, the list of characters is extensive, and the Time works clearly against you… However, the good news is that the majority of the character is on your side. So, as to wait, or not to wait is not the question, may you find success in your quest.

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